Mission Statement
Lord, be thy word, my rule.
Our Faith. Making Jesus known today.
As a Catholic school, Jesus Christ is central to every aspect of school life, permeating every aspect of what we do. All pupils are educated in the beliefs and devotional practices of the Catholic Church. Participation in our daily act of collective worship guides every morning and afternoon session, within RE lessons and at the start and end of each day. Every class plans and leads Mass throughout the year, with parents, families and parishioners warmly welcomed.
The Catholic RE scheme “Living and Growing as the people of God" is followed throughout the school. This is supplemented by work on the Saints and stories from the Old and New Testaments, circle time activity and through our PHSE programmes. Our pupils take part in special liturgies during the school year which are timed to coincide with events in the Church’s calendar. Our Parish Priest, Fr Julian Green, works closely with school staff and families, to help prepare Y3 children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, whilst pupils in Y6 prepare for Confirmation.
Relationships and Sex Education is taught formally in all classes and is integrated into Science and RE.
All pupils learn about other religions and cultures and are encouraged to show respect and acknowledgement for the beliefs of others through open discussions and shared experiences. This is reflected through the involvement of pupils, both within school and in the wider community.
St John the Evangelist Catholic Academy is a member of the Newman Catholic Collegiate, a partnership of nine Catholic academies in North Staffordshire, part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, under the patronage of BI John Henry Newman.
Our priority is to help students to know Jesus Christ, his mission and his Gospel, which forms our way of living.
We commit to working together so that each academy, respecting its own unique character, will offer an outstanding Catholic education.
Our shared vision of life respects the uniqueness of all students, supporting their families, engaging them in their communities, and offering them unconditional love, so that they may achieve their potential and live life in its fullness.
To achieve this, across our academies, we will know one another, offering each other encouragement and active support.
Our vision for the Collegiate is summed up in the words
The Newman Catholic Collegiate - Our Vision (newmancc.co.uk)